Thursday, December 24, 2009

LDK Fan Art: Pre Pre Prequel

So, I couldn't resist (plus I have nothing better to do at work on the eve of christmas). So I decided I would show the tale of how the LDK got the K in his name.

At the start of this stirring tale he is just Little. But the End, a Little King, soon to get his shoes and become the Little Dancing King. Now the real question is, how did he get so damn little?!

Click to view bigger!!


Francesca said...

I might not know *how*, but I've got an idea as to *why*... stay tuned : P.

Chris Hajny said...

Ha! Do it to it Francesca!

Lindsay Nohl said...

hahahahahaha yeah!

Chris said...

Totally awesome! Fight them fat mens!

adam H. said...

Wait a minute...who's that fat guy?! I want to know more about him. How did he become the previous dancin' king being so round? Oh well... 2 pieces in as many months! Very ambitious! Rad!